Her Head in Films

Ang Lee's 'Brokeback Mountain' (2005)

Episode Summary

In this episode, I talk about Ang Lee's 2005 film, "Brokeback Mountain." It's a grand love story about two cowboys--Ennis and Jack--who fall in love in 1960s Wyoming. Their romance spans decades but, because of homophobia, they're never able to fully be together. I consider this a modern classic and one of the greatest love stories of all time. I talk about how the film was made, why it moves me so deeply, and much more. Full show notes: https://herheadinfilms.simplecast.com/episodes/episode-104-ang-lees-brokeback-mountain-2005

Episode Notes

In this episode, I talk about Ang Lee's 2005 film, "Brokeback Mountain." It's a grand love story about two cowboys--Ennis and Jack--who fall in love in 1960s Wyoming. Their romance spans decades but, because of homophobia, they're never able to fully be together. I consider this a modern classic and one of the greatest love stories of all time. I talk about how the film was made, why it moves me so deeply, and much more.

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Full Show Notes
